Create with us a new future for the cloud.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
That’s the core concept of our innovation, and we apply it also in our daily activities: great teamwork is the only way to achieve outstanding results.

Team photo

Let's go beyond the Cloud

Building a deep technology requires creativity in creation and discipline in execution. Joining Cubbit means being involved in an ecosystem of young talented people and top international experts in our industry, all united in the ambition to create the next generation of cloud services worldwide.

50 Employees and collaborators from 7 nationalities
5500 Customers internationally
4000+ nodes distributed in over 75 countries (and counting)
Bleeding edge codebase written in modern programming languages
Key senior managers coming from unicorns in the industry
10 days every year to have fun with your team in our headquarter
Team photo

Our Culture

We love ambition, we hate arrogance.
Leadership is in work and results, not in seniority.
If you want to grow fast, you've found the right place.
The more you give the more you get: we believe in energy-givers, not in energy takers.
Data-obsession is a value: follow the data, not (just) your guts. Without data we are all blind.
Be curious, assume nothing. There’s too much to learn in a deep tech market.
We love to work in an enjoyable company, we are respectful of any need, and we ask the same to others.
Business, as well as life, is challenging, and changes continuously: enjoy the journey and don’t be afraid.

Culture add is so much better than “culture fit”.
We welcome applications from all groups, irrespective of your age, disability, gender reassignment, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, veteran status and sexual orientation. We believe the more inclusive we are, the better our company will be.

Photos teams

Job opening

Haven't found what you're looking for? Are you interested in an internship?
Write to us here:

Job opening

At this time, there are no available job openings, but don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re excited to connect with you and explore potential future opportunities. Write to:

Haven't found what you're looking for? Are you interested in an internship?
Write to us here:

Interview process



To grasp your ambitions, background and values.


Tech exercise

For developers only. To understand how you approach coding.


Technical Interview

To evaluate your skills and challenge you.



To see if there’s a real fit between you and the company.


Final proposal

Our offer, tailored to your skills and experience.

Our career page is in english only: our team is international and distributed between EU and USA. English is mandatory to apply to our positions.